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My 3 for the Week!

What I Have read this week!

I have recently started to read other people’s blogs and I am loving it, it opens the mind, and gets the conversation flowing and gives me something to reflect on in my life. So here are my three picks of the weeks that I have really enjoyed and feel you should read!

Dadvworld. I love this blog and everything David writes, and I do consider myself a fan! This post made me think and actually write comments under Davids social media about when do I call myself a blogger. I have to agree with a lot of what David writes here in this post so make sure to give it a read!

Ross Hunt. This is the marmite blog of the week, either you’ll absolutely love it, or you’ll totally hate it. In essence its changing the term baby to Theybie so that a child is born with no gender. In this post Ross gives his no nonsense opinion on the matter and it is one that will divide opinion! For me its one of those posts that will make or break your blog and I don’t think it will be the latter for Ross. Be sure to read it and check out his blog!

Ollie Poole. Journalist and Dad. I loved this post, BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN THERE. Absolutely hilarious. Witty, and informative, you have to check out Ollie’s other posts as well. You won’t regret it!

So there are my three picks for this week. Thought provoking, humorous and engaging, what more could you want for a few minutes reading.

Remember to check out my:

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